Saturday, August 11, 2012

Love yourself!

Self-esteem can really sink down the crap hole at times for all of us, right?

And that's understandable! We hit our lows just as we hit our highs. Although what concerns me are people who are so low in their opinion of themselves, that they ultimately allow that low self-esteem to run their lives!

There's a young girl I work with, beautiful girl too. Blonde, light cat-shaped eyes, nice body shape, not much to complain about looks wise! Her self-esteem is so incredibly low, she feels the need to compete with any female she feels "threatened" by (either she feels they're prettier than her or more of an intellectual).

It saddens me because she has such potential! She's not only physically attractive, but she also has great intellect!  I had to blog about this, because it's extremely disconcerting when you know someone who you genuinely like, but also can't stand. One day I would just like to walk into work, see her, and not feel like I'm being sized up or feel like I'm being lied to. (She's a habitual liar...another sad way of her seeking attention.)

If I talk to a male costumer, she's on my heels trying to win over his attention. (And very boisterous about it too! Using feminine wiles to gain...) In all honesty, I really couldn't care less. She can have them all! And the sad part is, men fall for it. Do they sincerely believe she's interested? Of course not. She wants to hear those, "You're so pretty! You're so sexy!" because it boosts whatever is left of her confidence.

No girl or guy should ever let their self-esteem effect their behavior. Because in the end, it ultimately effects relationships. I felt like I could have had a good friendship with her (she's a nerd just like me!) but that underline competition she has set up will never die and I can't stomach being involved.

Love yourself.
No one should ever have to rely on others for that. Every day look into the mirror and say, "I'm beautiful", "I'm successful", whatever it may be that brings up your self-esteem. Even if you don't believe it at first, you eventually will. Every single person is uniquely beautiful in their own ways.

Respect yourself. One should NEVER bring themselves down to a level that requires them to degrade themselves for praise. 

For the time being, I will continue ignoring her attempts to draw me into future competitions with men. It's time I walk away and say goodbye to a once possible good friendship.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I attract douchebags

I always have and it seems I always will.  

Guys complain a lot regarding girls going after the douchebags and dating crappy men that eventually hurt them in the end.  And you know, I can't really blame them for feeling that way because let's face happens a lot!

But what about us nice girls that would LOVE for a good guy to come on to us?  I can't vouch for every girl out there, but I don't normally get good guys asking me out or showing a romantic interest.  Which is sad in the end, because I've grown skeptical towards every guy looking for a date with me.  99% of the time, the guy turns out to be a douchebag looking for a cheap date or a one night stand.  Now I just find it hard to believe it when a guy says, "You look beautiful."  My initial thought response? "Nice try, keep walking." or "What do you want now?" 

The sad part is, I might eventually turn away a good guy in fear he's using me for something because I'll become that mistrusting.

Unlike other girls, I won't give into the douchebags. I can spot one instantly on contact and he better not even try with me. So I remain single and I'm hoping that won't be a permanent thing.  Cats can only fulfill so much in ones life! xD I don't want to become lonely...or a crazy cat lady. (I think that part might be too late...)

If you're a nice guy and reading this...and you have given up hope on finding a decent girl that isn't dating a douchebag, please don't.  Because us girls are out there and we are looking/hoping you'll come along.

But think like a "douchebag"...he's aggressive, persistent, and won't give up till he gets what he wants. You have to be like that. Women aren't hard to understand. Sure we're different, because of personalities, but think of Edward from Twilight or Thor with Jane Foster. They fight for their woman, they protect her, and they ultimately love her. That's all women want. Not a shining knight, but a lover, supporter, and a friend.  We want someone who will listen to us and care enough to make her the center of his world.

If you need help, seriously go to a bookstore and pick up a romance novel. Just one (because they're pretty much all the same) and read it. Why do women love romance novels? Think about it.